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  1. Good morning guys, I'm facing a strange issue today with Sensor Panel: when I open a game (ex. Diablo IV) all the sensor (not only FTP etc...) stop to be update... they freeze completely showing the last information before starting the game closing the game, they start to updata again without issue. What can I do to solve this issue? I've only tried to set on Nvidia App the global default settings...reset but same issue. Thanks!
  2. NotturnoBus

    No FPS

    Hi @rinaldop, I've set "Show own statistics" on "ON" and, after a reboot, start working properly! Thank you so much for your suggestion! have a nice day!
  3. NotturnoBus

    No FPS

    Thanks for your answer @rinaldop I've check the RIVA settings, and seems ok: but on sensor nothing:
  4. NotturnoBus

    No FPS

    Good afteroon to all. I've the same issue. RivaTuner is up&running, the sensor is enabled but value = 0. I try following the link and the video but nothing... Any ideas? thanks!
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