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  1. Thanks, I'm a newsletter subscriber, nothing in spam or deleted.
  2. Hi Fiery, Still nothing on the front page about the promo, did I miss it? Thanks!
  3. Just curious is anyone else has had the issue and resolved? They all worked fine under my prior x3d processor. Thank you!
  4. Fl1nch


    I may have had that same issue as well, but TwoNuts provided the correct solution đź‘Ť
  5. That is exactly what is happening, and it was driving me nuts. Essentially, exporting is the equivalent of saving?
  6. Thanks rinaldop, must've been a fluke.
  7. Hello everyone, I edited a panel, saved and exported so I wouldn’t have to rework. Updated to the beta (extreme) and imported the panel, from my save location which had none of my changes. I’m looking to find out what I did wrong. Thank you
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