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Dirk Diggler

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  1. Hi , i am new to this. I have been playing around with a templet for a week. With the update my 4080 super has more options power values gpu - i asume this is the wattage draw? ( i use the one for the gpu as well) But now there is a gpu 12vhpwr w, what does that check , because it is not the same as the other one. Also i cannot get my voltage for ram working too. I added the sensor file, ( i didnt know how to make it a pic) , i know it is not final , i am just fine tuning what i want to see. It is only really the gpu part i need to sort out also NIC option up and down , is my internet speed, why is there a 2 ,3 and 4? 2024-03-12.sensorpanel
  2. Hi , i just download this. Is there a quick set up guide. i have an ek 7 inch external panel i want to dispay all the stats and stuff on.
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