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  1. I just tried it. It works, with some fiddling. I had the best luck following the instructions under the "Advanced" section of the README file at https://github.com/MarkVabulas/ultimon/blob/main/README.md I assume you're using Windows since we're talking about AIDA64. Had to disable Windows "App Execution Alias" for python, in Windows 11 settings - just search settings for "app execution" and switch off the items that mention Python) Unless you really want to use the Microsoft Store version of Python, but I have trouble with it. If you don't already have it, install Python from https://www.python.org/downloads/ (I believe the author is using Python 3.11, which should be fine.) The author's code refers to python3, but Python installs with python.exe as the executable. An alias should allow code to run referring to python or python3, but it wasn't working for me - so I just went to C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python31x and ran copy python.exe python3.exe, then ran the command referenced in step 4 of the advanced section. If you install Python for "all users" it may be under Program Files, by the way. After that, I ran start_server.bat, launched a browser and went to http://localhost:5779. I used F11 to fullscreen my browser, and I made sure to enable shared memory in and run AIDA64, same with HwInfo64, but I'd still have to do some troubleshooting for it to be useful, as not all of the values are populating. The live/moving background is super cool. What stands out to me: 1) Seems like the server based setup is really versatile and reliable. 2) Infinitely customizable. 3) The default layout is nice in general, but most importantly doesn't have a bunch of misaligned text. Though, as I said, tweaking is necessary - my GPU's power draw shows the W on the next line, the time shows AM on the next line, etc. The difference in CPU/GPU may have a lot to do with the missing values. I'm running an AMD Ryzen 7 7700X with an AMD RX 7900 XTX GPU. I think the author's goal was usability on any screen, and he's not the first to create a web interface for the Remote Sensor panels, but I think the server-based setup and potential customization makes this something with a lot of potential.
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