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  1. Unfortunately making the display primary still doesn't change the display number. As soon as the other one is plugged in they just revert back to their initial settings. I need a way to tell Aida64 to get the config of `\\.\DISPLAY1`, not change them in Windows.
  2. I've tried things from this thread but to no avail, can't switch the numbers. I can confirm that disconnecting the other screen does in fact give different results in AIDA64, but if I plug it back in the data reverts to the wrong display.
  3. Hey y'all, Crossposting this from Hardware Monitoring I have an issue with Aida64 ever since I switched one of my displays to an OLED screen. "Desktop Resolution" and "Vertical Refresh Rate" system items show data from the wrong monitor, instead of the new OLED display. How do you go around telling Aida64 to select display with Device ID `\\.\DISPLAY1` so that the statistics are correct?
  4. Is there really no config tweak or regedit key I can edit to configure Aida64 to use the correct monitor? I'm fairly technical so, if anyone can point me at least in the general direction, I'm sure I can find a solution and share it here with everyone that has this issue...
  5. Hey y'all, I have an issue with Aida64 ever since I switched one of my displays to an OLED screen. "Desktop Resolution" and "Vertical Refresh Rate" system items show data from the wrong monitor, instead of the new OLED display. How do you go around telling Aida64 to select display with Device ID `\\.\DISPLAY1` so that the statistics are correct?
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