i couldn't make it work, the raspberry connects well to Aida as a service (it is not executed, just the service is on) afterburner seems to connect cause I can see vram, but FPS always show 0
I tried making afterburner and RTSS as service, they are executed at startup as service also, but there is something blocking the fps to be shwon, I also went into the connexion bar of each service (services.msc, right click, properties, connexion) and allowed my account to use them (with the password and stuff) with total control on each one, I feel like I am an inch to make it run but I don't know exactly what is the parameter that is blocking framerate to be shown
UAC? Someone have ever tried this?
The purpose is that it is lighter to start and automatise everything with services than launching them at startup, i can see the difference, when it is auto launched on login my compiter takes time to boot, when I set up the services it is instant, everything work I have temp, %, vram, hard drive monitoring and everything but framerate always 0,
If I disable service and launch Aida64 + msi afterburner, everything works the ingame FPS counter also
Sorry for poor english not my first language