It's considered gauche to reply to one's own post, but I've been experimenting a bit and I have some more info.
So far, it seems that any Intel XTU tweaks will cause a hard system crash when running CheckMate. This is a hard poweroff/reboot sequence, like something in the processor crashed hard. Whether this is caused by my running the CPU on the Asus BIOS before the ucode updates, thus damaging the CPU (some tests caused >105C on the CPU temps), or if it's a characteristic of the i9-14900 series, I have no idea (nor any way to experiment, other than by buying another CPU). I have a good cooling system using metallic "paste" and a lapped base plate on the water block, so I've really been trying to get this stable. CheckMate kills it, every time. And, the CPU passes Intel's diagnostic every time. Sigh.