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  1. If anyone else has a similar issue, I found the problem and it was just me being stupid. I checked the pause while in full screen option in the sensor panel preferences and that's what was causing it. Once I unchecked that everything is running fine
  2. I got my sensor panel about a week ago and everything has been running fine. Today, I noticed my panel had frozen, and that it was only updating when I pressed the windows key when I was about to open AIDA64. On the desktop, chrome, AIDA64 and a number of games the sensort panel doesn't refresh at all. I've only had the panel refresh when I have steam or easy anti cheat (when opening Halo Infinite). When it is frozen it is not recording any information, so When I press the windows key if carries on from when it was last frozen. AIDA64 still records my temps any everything when I have that open, but the sensor panel does not update. I've tried reinstalling AIDA64 and rebooting my system but this hasn't done anything, does anyone know what this could be?
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