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  1. Looking for some help with a sensor panel I've been scratching my head about. I read on the LCD support page that you could use a matrix orbital screen as a stats display and wanted to give it a try. I got the Display and the USB-to-SPI as stated in the PDF LCD compatibility file. I unboxed it and plugged the display into the adapter with the ribbon cable, but no power LED's on either device. However, I can communicate with the USB to SPI device on Windows but the screen stays blank(I presume, which means off). I attempted to plug a 5v power adapter into the USB to SPI module, thinking that it just needed more power, but it started smoking. Granted it wasn't a regulated 5v power supply, which I have yet to try, but I wanted to reach out to see if anyone else has done this to see what steps I missed, and or I could follow.
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