Hey, i am new to the Programm and Not very good with windows. I searched the Internet but didnt find a Solution.
I have a problem getting my 2nd Monitor Running (7inch, no-Name AliExpress connected with USB-HDMI Adapter directly to a USB Port on the MoBo) running.
The Monitor is supposed to be 1024x600 but i cant chose this resolution on windows. Closest is 1024x768.
When i change Resolution from First Monitor to 1024x768 (Like 2nd Monitor) Both Monitor Match and a Sensorpanel from Aida64(1024x768) will just work Fine. If i change back the Resolution on the 1st Monitor the 2nd Monitor will automaticslly change as well and will rearange the Size of the panel.
Sorry for the long text and probably bad english. Just tried to not use a translater and show the problem as detailed as possible.
I already checked all drivers