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  1. I've taken a huge interest in Sasa Karanovic's VU meter system monitoring. There was at least one moderately popular video containing it. Problem is, nobody is buying and nobody is making plugins. Unfortunately, I'm not a developer and don't really have an interest in becoming one. Yeah, there's other ways, but needle dials are cool. I hate to make a request like this, but the engineer who created it told me to, and I haven't seen anything develop. So far, I've only found one plug in for Fan Control. How can we get this into AIDA64? My ideas for AIDA64 support include: RGB backlight support (temp thresholds, etc) Automatic dial background image generation and setting(to allow for when a dial page changes, the label on the dial changes) Multi-page support Software dial hiding (so one could hook another application into a specific dial) Would be neat to just install the "server" software and check a box in AIDA64 to use them like the many other things supported. It's just HTTP GET requests to a web server. This would allow dials to be used over the network as well. The hardest part is the price of the dials themselves. A starter kit (3 dials and a hub) is just under $200 USD shipped if you're interested.
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