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Everything posted by platonas

  1. Updated my bios to new 5603 and everything works.Still it seems strange that 1 bios version works...the next doesn`t, next works and the cyrcle repeats. Also seems strange that hardware info and asus software can always read the sensors .
  2. I guess u are running games in full screen mode and not window full screen.If u got more than 1 screen u must run in window full screen mode. Had the same problem when installed a second monitor years ago .
  3. Attached as txt files. Hope it helps! ecdump.txt isasensordump.txt
  4. Hi, I have the asus strix x470-f with 5601 bios and an outdated version of aida64(from the start of 2020). Chipset and Tsensor(watercooling loop temp for me) temps have stopped showing for a while now and I assumed it was from getting bios updates and not updating aida. Installed latest beta (6.25.5462) and the problem persists. Asus Wmi and EC support are enabled (as i always had). Later i found out the following topic with the same problem(with olded bios than mine) that you are claiming to be an Asus issue , but sensors are showing in aisuite,hardwareinfo and other programs and only aida64 doesn`t seem to find them .
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