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  1. I have followed your suggestion and now have the sensors that I want on the panel. However, I must be doing something wrong. I had to transfer the individual listings from the manager to the sensor panel one at a time. They then appear superimposed upon the top listing and I then drag them into the wanted position. It is not possible to get them aligned properly this way. Did I miss a step somewhere?
  2. Now that we are using windows 8 which does not support the windows 7 gadgets, we have to endure the huge sensor panels. Is there any hope for getting the gadgets back?
  3. All fine now.....thank you.....
  4. The latest 1241 beta had a few needed corrections and additions, but the core frequency and multiplier do not follow C1E (turbo/idle) actions in the gadget readouts. Core freq remains in the turbo mode. The core voltage does switch. Verified by CPUZ.
  5. P8P67-EVO Sidebar gadget frequency readout does not downshift when C1E goes to the idle state. The core voltage however, does reflect this change. I am using the latest beta version.
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