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  1. Ok. I will test and report results. Thanks
  2. I set page file to automatic and warning message disappear 'Windows successfully diagnosed a low virtual memory condition. The following programs consumed the most virtual memory: aida_bench64.dll''. I will test for 24 hours, First with 1.524 and if system crash, will test with 165 v. Thanks can I using computer, during test or better do not?
  3. My memory is this GPB316GB1866C9DC. Default xmp profile is 1.65. But i set manual 9-10-9-28 and voltage 1.524 in bios. According many sites, geil works on this voltages and timings. Perhaps voltage is low for this settings... i don't know. I will test and write later. DURRING THE TEST, MEMORY IS FILLED ALMOST 100%(below on screensnot). Is this normal? My friend using business version and memory filled 25-30% from 4 gb. i'm using the last extreme edition. How long have to run this test? p.p Page file is 1024 mb. And during test windows warning 3 times :Windows successfully diagnosed a low virtual memory condition. The following programs consumed the most virtual memory: aida_bench64.dll (716) consumed 15966842880 bytes. Perhaps this is may the problem...I'm confused
  4. My pc is not overclocked - i7 4771 can't overclock. Everything in bios is default, except two things - i disable integrated video and set manual voltage for memory - 1.524. Do you see the screenshot The question is - can aida64 to be the reason? Some incompatibility with audio (portcls.sys and cthda.sys). Thank you. p.p in event viewer 1 minute before bsod i seen ''Windows successfully diagnosed a low virtual memory condition. The following programs consumed the most virtual memory: aida_bench64.dll''. According microsoft, this can cause BSOD http://blogs.technet.com/b/mikelag/archive/2010/09/04/detecting-low-virtual-memory-conditions-in-windows-2008.aspx . My OS is win 8.1 64bit, but...
  5. Hi. After few minutes aida64 system stability test, get bsod. According WhoCrashed culprit is drivers - portcls.sys and cthda.sys. But I doubt it. What you think. Can aida64 cause blue screen? Is it possible? Thank you and sorry for my english. The blue screen
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