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  1. No, it didn't work.. I then even uninstalled all the Intel drivers, did a re-install and a scan hardware in the Device Manager. Same problem comes up.
  2. Thank you for your fast response! I will do so tomorrow and report back.
  3. @ zzzttt: I have an ASRock Z97 Extreme 4 motherboard and get the "PCI Data Acuisition and Signal Processing Controller" error in my Device Manager. I got it on a fresh install of Windows 7 Extreme x64 SP1 US after installing AIDA64 v 4.70.3200. I make use of Symantec System Recovery images and every time I deploy an image before the AIDA64 install, there is no error. Every time after I install AIDA64, the error is there. Any help, or update, would be appreciated. Thanks.
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