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  1. I tried this command line: "\\server\share\aida64.exe /R \\server\share\$DATE\report /TEXT /CUSTOM \\server\share\aida64_report.rpf /SAFE /SILENT /NOICONS" Every computer I made a scheduled task. It runs that command line once in a month. But this solution requires manual activity, because I have to open the riport files one by one and make a clear chart to see the hardware information or changes. My intent to make an automatized report system with AIDA64 BE, witch I can see in one chart all the hardware information (CPU/Memory/Motherboard/HDD - OS) from the computers or if anything changes. The goal is this to get a clear hardware report at every month. All I need some good advises! Please help!
  2. Thanks for the answer again! I tried the SQL way with these: Windows 2008 R2 + SQL Express 2008 SP3 with Mangement Studio But I could not create the database for AIDA64. So I decided to go easier way... So then my next question: What is the best and easiest SQL configuration for AIDA64 Business? What's the steps from the begining? All i want to see more happy people!
  3. Thanks for the answer I will study the user manual i promise! This option collects reports from each computer to "one big" report file? Or i get more files? I would like the simpliest view! I would like one report file and click on it to see my computers hardware information! Best wishes!
  4. My Teory Is: I have one network with 20 computers (in domain or not in domain - Does it matter?) I have 1 server - Windows Server 2003 x86/ Windows Server 2008 R2 I have 19 desktop PCs - Windows XP 32bit / Windows7 32bit/64bit I have 20 AIDA64 Business Edition License I would like to collect only hardware data from the desktop PCs to the server in one shared directory in one file or separeted files. What format is the best for this? Every month I would like to open the report file and see the hardware changes. How can i solve this? Thanks for the answer!
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