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  1. Hi there and thank you for your reply. Would you mind helping me to create a quick command line as I am still in the phase of test. If it toke me over 2 days to run a fast test, I will not be prepared to buy over 450 licences as needed. Here is what i would like to do. Aida64 will be on a server called A (shared folder accessible from users) I need to inventory computer B C D E and F and get a report. The report need to be copy on server A, into the folder REPORT. This report, idealy need to be a .xls or .csv Can you help me here ?
  2. Hi there, I am about to purchase lots of licences but before this I need to make sure that I can use AIDA64 to do the following : * I need to run Aida64 on lots of differents machine, WinXP, WIN Vista, Win7, and collect some information, like softares, hardwares, etc. * The result need to be in an excel spread sheet idealy, with the detail of each PC. Anyone can tell me how to run this automatically, like in command prompt or script, or thinking of installing AIDA64 in a shared location and inserting something in the login script ? Please help asap as I need to find this solution by yesterday. Regards, gvaukjoe76
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