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Everything posted by soteriousidaofevil

  1. The tl;dr. Your SM Bus and PCI bridge is not safe after installing.
  2. words MICHAELKROSOL.html MICHAELKROSOL.txt Firmware Release Note - USG60W_4.20(AAKZ.0)C0_2.pdf.html acpi_tree.txt CROWMAN.txt
  3. Hi I'm soteriou s idaofevil or michael.k.rosol@gmail.com. I have a unique setup and I am new. Over the last two days I've played around with Tox and CPUID and found some neat stuff. Should be obvious what's going on. You can believe me or not but I'm newly registered on a lot of sites. Have a good day! CROWMAN.txtcpuz_eula.txtcpuz_readme.txt
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