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edstyler last won the day on October 4 2017

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  1. Thank you for your answer. I will not worry anymore about battery wear level
  2. Is it possible that IOS for security purpose, or something utilize only 7966 mAh of battery life? or we have here two hardware model of same device.
  3. Hello Mice, please check my post before, after using CoconutBattery. thank you!
  4. Hello, I installed coconutBattery on my Mac, and I can tell you that new iPad Pro 10,5” have Designed capacity of usuable battery 7966 mAh, so you probable need to fix it in this app. here is screenshots from coconut and aida64. What you think about this? thank you! and relase date of this device is wrong,
  5. Hello Mice, thank you for more information, you were right, this morning it reported more capacity maybe it will be 0% wear in a few weeks.
  6. Hello, I did noticed that battery wear on my new iPad Pro 10.5" is probable wrong, because it shows wear level 4.11 constantly, and Ipad have only few cycles. please fix it! And it would be awesome if there is temperature information of ios devices.
  7. Hello team, Please explore and find out way to integrate extended battery info for IOS10. Best regards for best team! Edin
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