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Posts posted by Patsfan88

  1. 16 hours ago, Fiery said:

    AMD processors have no per-core thermal diodes, so it's normal.

    Thank you for the info. I have a couple more questions. 

    1) my memory clock is displaying about 1067. I have Corsair 3200 16 GB ram. Shouldn’t it be about ~2000? That’s what it says in the BIOS. 

    2) under the cooling fan section it says “pump #1” is that the kraken x62 pump?

    3) under cooling fans chassis #3 would that be my three exhaust fans I have on the top of my case? I have three Corsair ll120 connected to a commander pro. How exactly are is the fan speed calculated? Is it per fan added together or is it just an average of the three? 

    4) would temperature #1 be the temp of the water in my kraken? 

    sorry I keep running into things that I’m not sure about and aren’t exactly related to the title but you respond quickly. Thank you! I appreciate it. And the patience for a 1st time builder. 

  2. 11 hours ago, Fiery said:

    Since the difference is about eight-fold (8x), maybe you're mixing up MB/s (MegaBytes/sec) and Mbps (Megabits/sec) ?  A network that can push 100 Megabits/sec can actually transfer 1/8 of that in MegaBytes/sec, so 12 MegaBytes/sec.  BTW, you can enter a unit for the NIC download/upload rate items as "Mbps" to have Megabits/sec as the result.

    Thank you that was my issue. My bad on that one. 

    I have a new question though. Aida64 isn’t giving me individual core temps. Any ideas as to why? Mobo is x570 gigabyte aorus master cpu is Ryzen 3700x

  3. Hello, 

    I’ve just built a new system and was putting together a sensor panel. I noticed that download/upload rate were an option. So I put one in the panel and it didn’t work so I tried all the NIC options (1-6 for me). It ended up being NIC 6 and I changed the download rate to MB/s and it gave a reading but that reading was really low. Like max 12 MB/s. I ran a speed test using Speedtest . Net and it was saying I was getting around 100MB/s. My question is do I have a setting wrong? Why is there such a big difference. The same situation arises when looking at upload speed. 

    move tried searching the forums and google before submitting this as to not wast anyone’s time but I couldn’t find anything. 

    I’m still very new to pc building so if I have to ask basic questions, sorry about that. 

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