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Everything posted by aIpGaming

  1. I noticed when the CPU-z program works my computer slows down just like when starting aida64
  2. same problem sound "wheezes" and cursor lag sometimes blue screen
  3. I probably don’t have such a file
  4. Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3P, FX-6300 I just have windows on ssd I don’t quite understand what is raid
  5. Hello everyone, yesterday I received such a problem when i start aida64 i get a blue screen SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION 0x0000003b ntoskrnl.exe + 1c1410 it was two times in a row The next time I start, the cursor slows down and the sound is distorted I have normal temperatures below attached dmp and dxdiag win 10 1903 18362.449 102919-30000-01.dmp DxDiag.txt
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