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Oliver Lopez Otero

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  1. I just updated to the beta. For my Strix 2080 Super I can choose GPU Diode / GPU Hotspot / VRM as temp sensors regarding the GPU. HW Monitor shows Diode on 42, Memory on 48 and Hotspot on 52. If I choose the Hotspot sensor, the value matches HWMonitor, but if I choose the VRM sensor, it shows 40 instead of 48. Can anyone help, am I using the wrong sensor for the Memory?
  2. Hi How do I change the unit of the scale when using NIC Download Rate with a graph? I have 1000 Mbps, so I should be using max 1000, but I have to use 150'000 to make it look right. Where do I change the unit the scale is using? I would like to use MB/s. Thanks
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