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  1. Thank you very much for your attention to my question - it is very professional on your side. I will try to choose a display according to your recommendation. Good luck!
  2. USB_LCD.DLL (LCD Smartie plugin) I got from the display vendor. I am fine with the character display. I tested this display with LCDSmartie - does not work
  3. Now I'm looking for a replacement. Can you recommend me an AIDA64 compatible display? Thank you.
  4. Yes, my LCD display works reliably with the LCD Smartie program. It included drivers for Windows 7. After switching to Windows 10, the display stopped working - there are simply no drivers for this OS for it. I tried everything - it didn't work.
  5. Good day. The seller previously replied that no special software is needed for this display. Further, he does not answer my questions. It looks like it's just a "raw" product and nothing can be done about it It will work only as clock. it would be great if it worked with AIDA64. Thanks for your work!
  6. Good day. Merry christmas and a happy new year! Did you manage to take such a display to test its work with AIDA64? Thank you.
  7. by the way, here is the answer of the display seller to the question why it does not work with AIDA64 - "Do not start the aida64 software, just display the clock"
  8. Also in the POS tab, I checked all the protocols
  9. Good evening. Thank you for your attention to my question. In the CH424 tab the display is not visible, but it is defined in the POS tab. When I sending information to display, nothing happens - the clock continues to run. Also the display is defined in the RemoteSensor, but the effect is the same.
  10. https://aliexpress.ru/item/4001032945749.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.763533ed7Qlr5g&_ga=2.109481989.1010521623.1605587566-138875018.1603164042
  11. Good afternoon. Thank you for your reply. In the attachment is a photo of this display and how it is determined in the Device Manager in Windows 10. There are two chips inside: DS3231SN (clock) and STC 15W408AS (controller). More information?
  12. Добрый день. Не получается вывести данные на внешний дисплей 15х2 через usb-serial ch340. Драйвер на порт встал корректно. В "Настройках", папка "LCD" перепробовал все варианты подключения. AidaExtreme. Что то подскажете? Благодарю. Good afternoon. Can't output data to external 15x2 display via usb-serial ch340. The driver on the port got up correctly. In "Settings", the "LCD" folder has tried all the connection options. AidaExtreme. Can you tell me something? Thank you.
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