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Posts posted by ViruS

  1. On 3/6/2017 at 5:22 PM, Fiery said:

    No, it doesn't work like that.  The LCDsysinfo and LCDsysinfo for GOverlay LCD devices do not support direct addressing.  In other words, you cannot just render a nice colourful bitmap and send it over to the display via the USB connection. So they cannot be used in AIDA64 directly.  What you can do is activate External Applications support in AIDA64, and pass along the measured sensor values to the LCDsysinfo software.  And that software (developed by the same folks who're selling those displays on the 'Bay) will handle the LCD, and display the values in a way that you set it up in that software.

    Hi , and this ? : https://www.goverlay.com/content/lcdsysinfo2/
    It is the news lcdsysinfo , and apparently he works with aida64, same as G19. no ?

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