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Sensei jybo

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  1. i reinstalled the RTSS stanalone and now works. thank you
  2. i use the 5.99 build for the blue screen problem posted some week ago and this one work perfectly with all stuff that i have in my build except for the RTSS FPS that show always 0 value both in game and desktop. any suggestion? i have a i5 4460 on a asus h97 m-e , msi rx 480 gaming x, 8 gb ram
  3. I dowloaded the 5.99 version portable and start use that one and till now all go well, zero blue screens. seems like my old setup is not pretty stable whith new version of AIDA. all works fine on my sensor panel so i no need newer version like said by scorpion couse i don't have an M.2, for now at least XD, so i'll keep using the 5.99 and hope you can find a way to stabilize the new version. i'll keep you updated if something go wrong. bye and thanks again
  4. as i said i update to beta and got same problem, not all the time i try close AIDA but still unreliable for use it
  5. i used the beta version and do same things, btw thank you for the advice, i def try what you suggest and seee if it works for me, i'll keep you update on the process. cross finger for now
  6. Hello, i recently put up a sensor minitor and noticed that if i close the AIDA programm the PC go on blue screen and this happen all the time i try, today it goes on blue screen during game too, this happen only one time for now. i have a H97m-e ASUS whit an i5 4460 and rx 4080 MSI gaming x storage i have a 860 evo and a wd Blue any suggestion?
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