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  1. Any update or at least a confirmation on this?
  2. Thanks, yes, I am just planning to have it "embedded" on the Windows taskbar, to have quick stats always visible. So I hope it is a fixable bug on AIDA64s end, as it is possible to have on top of taskbar, as long as AIDA64 application is in "focus". When that said, I know Windows 11 is very immature, a lot of people having different problems with the OS at this stage, so maybe not something AIDA64 team can do anything about anyway, if the problem might be due to Win 11s taskbar behaviour. Let's see if I get a reply in the thread Here is a screenshot of how it looks when "working": https://imgur.com/NylfwsX
  3. Thanks for your reply- no, my SensorPanel is very simple, and only use text. Here is how it looks (the white border is not there, just due to my screenshot abilities, having captured the background as well): https://imgur.com/eCIww8P
  4. On Windows 11, SensorPanel won't stay on top of windows taskbar, but get hidden behind it, as soon as you switch to another application (all needed options like "Always on top" , "Prevent form being minimized" etc. checked). Windows 11 build version 22000.258 Aida64 version 6.50.5800
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