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  1. sensor display: Samsung SSD 970 PRO 512GB 47 °C / 51 °C What do the two temperatures indicate??? Regards
  2. Hi Fiery When circa is the date of publication of the next finished business version? Kind Regards by w7
  3. Sorry for my late response. Yes, now the 12V specification is correct. Thank you. Kind Regards
  4. Thank you Fiery. When will all improvements be implemented in a new Business Version released? When will the next Business Version be released? Kind Regards
  5. Hi Fiery, when i can expect changes to the AIDA software? In a pre-beta version or only with the next release version? (Date) Kind Regards byw7
  6. Thanks Ferry the dump file as an attachment. Regards isasensordump.txt
  7. Voltage values of Be Quiet dark Power Pro 11 Hi i have a question about the display of values at 12 volts. Why does it say 1.398V? Can that be correct? The Aida 64 Version is the 6.25 Business Board is a ASRock G41C-GS R2.0 Regards
  8. Ok. And... When is she coming?
  9. Hi What's new in version 6? When is she coming? Kind Regards byw7
  10. Thank you Fiery! If the future so?
  11. Hello, Until the 4.60 version was loaded via exe and was then by Desktop icon available. Now I need to start getting 4.70 this intermediate step: Install folder> exe> Start! If the future so? Regards ron
  12. Hello Fiery, I have a new PSU. With the new PSU shows my PCH Diode 59 °C - 64 °C . Is it still harmless? Regards
  13. Hi Fiery, When is the current beta ready as a release version? Regards ron
  14. Thank you, Fiery! It worked!
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