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  1. I use one Intel Offered detect tool named "MEInfo" to detect the B2/B3. (under pure DOS Environment.) the output is following: PCH Version: 600005. So, Upon this, My Laptop's Motherboard is Stepping B3, right?
  2. Thx for your reply and teaching. I need to search other method to identify this... Best Regards.
  3. Thx for your help. I need to search other method to identify this... Best Regards.
  4. Sorry, I forget click "Attach This File" button.
  5. hi, Dear Fiery. Thx for your replay. On my way, AIDA64 display "04 / B2" on the Motherboard / Chipset page in the line of "Revision / Stepping". But, Using Acer China's official B2/B3 detect tool, When it runs, the detect result was shown as a message dialog: "Your Sandy Bridge has B3 stepping code" Screen Snapshot is as attachments uploaded.
  6. Hello, buddies. There is some thing bothering me until now... detected machine : AS4750G-2412G50Mnkk laptop (Made in China, P.R.C.) config : CPU : 2nd Generation I5 Dual-Core Processor, 2410M, 2.3GHz. Board: Intel SNB Platform, HM65 Chipset. ... (others is omitted) With Acer China's official detect tool, it report that the steping is B3, NOT B2. But use AIDA64 v1.80.1450, it report that the steping is B2. Which one is correct? Maybe the latest AIDA64 Extreme Edition is not able to correctly detect information of intel HM65 chipset? Any other buddy can tell me the actual reason? Thx a lot. William
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