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Posts posted by cryocide

  1. We just want the same option that the OSD has. It's not like we're not paying for the new features, given the subscription model for updates. 


    Seeing how the lettering and graphics in my SP brighten up when elements of the animated wallpaper behind it pass beneath them, I guess the modern workaround would be to create a mask from the SP, including all graph lines, gauge images, and numbers and apply that mask to the video files used in the animated wallpaper as a watermark. This is also a garbage workaround for closed-source software that's still actively being sold and updated when the feature request is a decade old. Even the multiple aRGB lighting software suites I have to use for my LED strips and RAM allow for alpha channel transparency. 


    Pedestrian travel is a workaround when there's no train between cities, but that doesn't mean it's a GOOD workaround. Telling people to use someone else's software to make a workaround for the product is, well, telling me to just go find another vendor.

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