Hi Everyone,
I have recently moved from Intel 10th gen (i7 10770K + Z490 Gigabyte Motherboard) to Ryzen Zen 5 , (9800x3d + X870 Gigabyte Motherboard).
For storage i am using:
NVME Western Digital SSD (For OS and general software)
RAID 0 ARRAY 2 x Samsung SATA SSDs (for games)
Windows Storage Space 2 x Western Digital HDDs (for daily backups of both the SO NVME and the Games RAID 0 Array)
When i was running on the Intel Platform i had SMART data for all physical drives on AIDA64, and i had the temperatures for each of the 5 drives on my sensor panel.
When i changed to Ryzen i only have SMART data for the NVME drive, and only have the available temperature sensor for that NVME drive, and i don't get SMART data for the other 4 physical drives.
At first i thought this is not an AIDA64 problem, but a BIOS config problem, or a driver problem , but after some troubleshooting i think this is an AIDA64 problem (even if it's due to miss configuration on my side).
On the screenshots attached you can see two other applications getting SMART data (specifically the temps) from all the 5 drives (CrystalDisckInfo and AMD Raid Expert).
On the screenshots attached you can see that AIDA64 recognizes only 3 physical drives (the NVME drive, the 2 WD HDDs that belong to the Storage Space and the Storage Space itself, but not the RAID0 SSD's, only the RAID ARRAY).
On the screenshots attached you can see that AIDA64 only has SMART data available for the NVME drive, not any of the other 4.
On the screenshots attached you can see that i enabled SMART Raid support on AIDA64 system preferrences (as long as other RAID vendors for testing).
So, am i the only one with this use case?
Are there more people with this problem?
Is this a bug or wrong user config? If so, what should i change?
I tried upgrading AIDA64 to the beta version, i am running 7.40.7108 Beta.
Thanks in advance for any help!