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Amit Paz

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  1. Seems to be working fine. Thanks!
  2. Can confirm that new version does not solve the problem of CPU temps readout locking up.
  3. This is not really related to this thread. Please open a new one for your problem.
  4. Awesome!
  5. Makes sense. I did try to have the led display the bios code instead of the temperature (you can do that in the bios) and that did not help. Only thing that helped so far is sleep. Although, why is Aida64 only showing the CPU temp taken by the MB and not the temps reported by the CPU itself (like HWinfo does)?
  6. It did so for me and a couple of others.
  7. I can confirm that after waking from sleep temp reading works correctly.
  8. For me at least there is no issue with other monitoring software as you can see in my previous message on this thread.
  9. can you test with hwinfo?
  10. Same issue here. Aida64 is not updating temp. Other apps seem to be showing it correctly.
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