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  • Birthday 02/17/1986

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  1. @Fiery is it better to open a new topic on this problem?
  2. I've gathered smbus dump using two recent betas. Pay attention at the dump creation time at the end of each file. smbusdump_full_6408.txt smbusdump_full_6413.txt
  3. But there is something with reading SPD info. From time to time it might get incorrect values, and reading SPD takes 10-30 seconds, but on the previous platform with DDR3 it was momentary fast. Here are some examples of broken info: and so on... I've performed about 5 refreshes, but never obtained the full correct information for both modules.
  4. Wow! Worked like a charm! I see SPD info and DIMM temperatures. Thank you, @Fiery!
  5. This is to follow https://forums.aida64.com/topic/11175-aida-incorrectly-shows-memory-as-quad-channel-on-13700/ Motherboard/SPD page shows nothing for me. AIDA64 v6.88.6413 Beta. Sensors dump: smbusdump_full.txt
  6. Is there any chance for this to be added?
  7. Here it is: smbusdump_full.txt
  8. Also Motherboard/SPD page shows nothing:
  9. The memory is detected as quad channel on my i7 13700 + H770 motherboard. This CPU supports only 2 channels of memory.
  10. Hi. AIDA64 v6.85.6336 Beta doesn't report DDR5 temperatures, voltages, power, etc. Asus's own tool (Armoury Crate) shows temperatures: HWiNFO64 shows more info: ISA sensor dump: isasensordump.txt
  11. Thanks Fiery, that helped! All my fans are now reported correctly: Thank you for fast fixing this issue!
  12. Thank you for the reply. Result is better, but still is not correct: "Chassis #2" should be "CPU OPT", "Chassis #4" - "Chassis #3", "AIO Pump" - "Chassis #4". Sensors debug report: isasensordump.txt
  13. Just got a new build with Asus TUF GAMING H770-PRO WIFI motherboard and Windows 11. I have two same cpu fans connected to CPU & CPU OPT headers, and two same case fans connected to CHA FAN 3 & CHA FAN 4 headers. AIDA64 v6.85.6300 doesn't show one case fan, and reports others with incorrect labels (see the picture below). Fans with 400+ RPMs are CPU fans. ISA sensor dump is attached: isasensordump.txt The same fans as reported by HWiNFO64 v7.36-4960:
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