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  1. Hey. My sensor panel always seems to show the overall CPU utilization at 1 or 2%. The only time this changes is when I run a synthetic benchmark. Other monitoring softwares show the CPU utilization going up when playing games and etc., am I using the wrong sensor? Again this is for the entire cpu's utilization, not individual cores.
  2. AIDA64 seems to be unable to see the CPU temp sensor at all now. Also lost access to my H150 and chassis fan RPM sensors.
  3. We're all using ASUS motherboards, so must be some kind of ASUS problem. Do you all have Armory Crate installed?
  4. Same problem here, 7900X on a Crosshair VIII Hero. Only thing I can think of that I did since this problem started is, I enabled ASUS's "Enhancement" and "Medium Load Boostit" settings in PBO, but even if I turn those back off or reset CMOS completely, nothing changes. CPU + CPU Package Temps seem to be the only issues I'm having. My 4090 temp works fine.
  5. Works perfectly from what I can tell so far, thank you!
  6. I'm trying to get my sensor panel up and running on my new X670-E + 7900X machine (ASUS Crosshair VIII Hero). AIDA64 doesn't seem to be seeing any CPU or motherboard temperature sensors, though. I have already enabled EC support and any relevant ASUS options. Is this just a limitation of the current version of AIDA?
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