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bent98 last won the day on June 20 2023

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  1. okies you can give me it if you want i get to it when i can

    1. asendedazn


      here you go man all done i changed everything you asked for you just have to fix the liquid temp and aio pump gauge cause i dont have those temps i changed the colours of the graphs so it suited the colours as well

      here is the file


      sensorpanel rainbow v1.0.sensorpanel

    2. bent98


      I am very grateful for your help. I you would be so kind to make 1 final adjustments this should be complete.

      - The Liquid for temp graphic its awesome. Can you please make the outline of the water drop thinner (half thickness and also remove the outline all together on the moon shaped reflection inside the water bubble?

      - Please make the asus ROG Rainbow logo 10% smaller

      Ill attach the latest version


      Thank you!!!


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