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bent98 last won the day on June 20 2023

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  1. here you go all done you just got to fix up liqiud temp and aio pump to your system and it will be done cause i dont have those settings on my system

    sensorpanel rainbow v1.0.sensorpanel

    1. bent98



      I Just realized, i dont have any room to put my Case Fans so I was thinking to make the MBtemp/Liquid temp border extended like the cosair memory one. I enclosed a pic.


      1) Can you make the Motherboard picture slighly smaller so that the bottom lines up with the liquid bubble bottom? This will mean you probably have to adjust the sensor bar you made that goes into pCI slot

      3) Change the sensor panel frame.png to look like the mock up enclosed.

      4) Ill have enough room to add the fan graphics in the space that you extend the boarder.I will need you to make the  rainbow sensor guage for the CASE FAN RPM narrower so it doesnt hit boarder. I Im not sure yet how to position the fan i con vs the case fan gauge.

      Ive attached the latest version of the panel




      rainbow snip.png

      sensorpanel rainbow v1.06.sensorpanel

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