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  1. I'm new here and I have a couple of questions about sensor panels and sharing profiles. First off, what functionalities am I losing if I don't pay the $60 a year (which seems a little excessive for just using the sensor panel feature? but maybe that's just me). Let's be honest though, MSI afterburner is a free software that monitors clock rates/over clocks and GPU temps all on it's own. Not trying to stir things up, just pointing something out. Second off, is there an easier way to sort through some of the work that is being shared for either purchase, or copying (pending free distribution by the author)? This forum seems super inefficient and I've already started to work on my own panel but I don't have the graphic design skills/know-how to make it look the way I want it to. I also might have a unique panel size? (800x600 resolution 7" Rasberry Pi display) Not trying to be excessive here, but I am just looking to see what options are available since I am interested in utilizing a sensor panel in my rig.
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