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  1. Hi all, i dont know how can describe my problem. ill try my best. i have a Corsair iCUE h150i rgb elite. I heard the windows sound like the one when i put an usb. after a few times that this happend i saw that the light from the corsair go off and on plus, the rpm from the fans go from 1200 to 350 i change nothing, just the aida upgrade. anyone got the same problem? edit: same problem with the beta version 6.88.6403
  2. Hi all, i dont know how can describe my problem. ill try my best. i have Corsair iCUE h150i rgb elite. while i was navigate in internet i heard the windows sound like the one when i put an usb. after a few times that this happend i saw that the light from the corsair go off and after 1-2 sec go on. since yesterday i did nothing, just the aida upgrade. anyone got the same problem?
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