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colirx last won the day on February 27 2024

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  1. Try this, make 2 separate images, one with the robot on and the other with it off. I place the bottom as if it were a GAUGE and from 0 to 15 you put one off and the other on until everything closes. Finally, it specifies that this GAUGE has to work according to internet fluctuations, for example, the intention is that as the internet connection fluctuates, the image changes from one image to another, understand?
  2. New video on the channel teaching how to make a personalized template in the style of cyberpunk 2077 video novo no canal ensinando a fazer uma template personalizada no estilo ciberpunk 2077 NOTE: For those who don't understand Brazilian Portuguese, download the "speak subtitles for youtube" extension and you will be able to watch the video with an English dub. Turn down the volume of the video and listen to the dubbing.
  3. I sell personalized templates on social media, my friend, every model I make I advertise and I don't understand your surprise. As far as I know there is no patent for templates, if there is, let me know and I'll remove it.
  4. New video on the channel teaching how to make a personalized spiderman template. ♥ video novo no canal ensinando a fazer uma template personalizada do spiderman. ♥ NOTE: For those who don't understand Brazilian Portuguese, download the "speak subtitles for youtube" extension and you will be able to watch the video with an English dub. Turn down the volume of the video and listen to the dubbing.
  5. I just did it here based on his verse.
  6. I'm making a different one using these GAUGES from yours. ♥
  7. New video on the channel teaching how to make a personalized League of Legends template. ♥ video novo no canal ensinando a fazer uma template personalizada do League of Legends. ♥ NOTE: For those who don't understand Brazilian Portuguese, download the "speak subtitles for youtube" extension and you will be able to watch the video with an English dub. Turn down the volume of the video and listen to the dubbing.
  8. Menu de itens do Resident Evil 2 ♥
  9. In this video I will teach you how to make this template in the image below from start to finish. NOTE: For those who don't understand Brazilian Portuguese, download the "speak subtitles for youtube" extension and you will be able to watch the video with an English dub. Turn down the volume of the video and listen to the dubbing. Nesse vídeo eu vou ensinar a vocês como fazer esse template da imagem abaixo do começo ao fim.
  10. Were you able to watch it with audio in English?
  11. download an extension called "speak subtitles for youtube" this extension dubs everything I'm saying into English or any other language you want.
  12. Cool man, now I'm starting to understand, I tried opening yours here to see how the template structure is made but everything was buggy lol...
  13. Can you send me a link to a website that I can use as an example to make an animation?
  14. This animation is made with a sequence of images like GAUGES, is it used in videos, or gifs? Thank you for your help.
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