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  1. For those who like this panel. Bokeh-V1.0.sensorpanel
  2. Thank you! thats helpfull!
  3. Ist es möglich das Panel zu teilen?


    mfg Michael Metz

    1. Bokeh


      Yes for shore! Will  share it soon :D

    2. Bokeh


      Yes for shore! Will  share it soon :D


      here it is, 1920x480 


  4. I've made my first panel. i modified a panel. But placed my hardware in the panel. Is it possible to show the DIMM voltage? i couldnt find it in aida64 palen.
  5. Where did you buy that monitor?
  6. i've been reading all of the pages, im now at 364 and still have a lot to read, but what is the most used (screen) resolution for a panel? is that 480x1920 of larger?
  7. Thank you so much, some things are to easy to understand hahahah.
  8. Can you explane me how you make those borders with the rounded edges? I know in photoshop but do you have a tutorial or a link where they show / explane it to me?? It would help me a lot!
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