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  1. Hi There, Any update on this one ? Thank you!
  2. Hi, I am mainly missing the GPU Memory Junction temp. However, there is a whole lot more info that the HWinfo shows such as individual MCD temps and different power measurements. My card is a reference Sapphire 7900xtx not sure if it helps or not. Thank you
  3. Hi, I am having issues on the above Graphicscard, that the memory temps are not showing up in the sensor tab. Any advice ? (HWinfo64 has this and more data in sensor mode) Thank you atigpureg.txt atismbusdump.txt
  4. Bump, can someone please take a look at this ?
  5. Bump, and news. Also attached the sensor dump for my GPU. atigpureg.txt
  6. Hi, I am having issues on the above Graphicscard, that the memory temps are not showing up in the sensor tab. Any advice ? Thank you
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