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  1. Here is a minimum 1024X600 sensorpanel based on one by hmfazevedo. Nothing to write home about although it is clean and a start at a sensorpanel. During my experimenting with this, I have encountered some problems with mouse scrolling games. I placed my multimonitor screen positions corner to corner to overcome this. This prevented me from moving my mouse to the other screen. Unfortunately, it also prevented me from retrieving a window (one that would not respond to alt space) from the sensorpanel. I am including the authotkey script I used to overcome this in case you are interested. I found a script that moved the mouse in a multimonitor environment, and then added some functionality and a GUI to assist my sensorpanel. There are hotkeys to set the always on top attribute of the current window, change the transparency and transport the mouse to another window (ie the one I could no longer scroll to). The script contains the original author of the multimonitor utility script (https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/33932/Keyboard-shortcuts-hotkeys-to-move-mouse-in-multi-monitor-configuration-AutoHotkey-Script.html). The script is autohotkey plain text (not compiled) so pretty easy to dissect. The zip file includes the script, an icon and png screen identifiers. There are some bugs (mostly generic) but I find it useful so thought I would share. AutohotkeySC.zip
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