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Everything posted by Jimmeh081

  1. Ok, I have a two monitor setup and the sensor panel as the third. two main monitors are plugged in via dp on the gpu. The sensor panel is on the motherboard. It works fine but most of the time when boot up the computer it will be on the main display. I open up aida64 preferences and it is actually listed to be on the sensor panel monitor. So i have to click on which ever monitor and then back in to the monitor i want it in. Is there a way to fix this at all? just seems a little bothersome
  2. Thanks, Finally got some time after the manic X-mas rush having a browse now. Just seeing whats out there!
  3. oh my bad thats supposed to be 1480, whoops
  4. Hey guys, I'm after a sensor panel in above resolution. Looking for something simple. Will be happy to donate to some one who helps me along the way. Im running Alienware monitors and it will sit underneath that for a rough colour scheme. Thanks !
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