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  1. Hello, where is the sensor panel for my Asus ryujin 360 arg with screen ? Not view example or similar sensor panel. Thank you
  2. Yes the primary display is number one and the secondary display is number two. But always icons... view in the display two.
  3. Hello, I have 2 screens. 1 is my monitor but is tv samsung 4k 114 hz. ( this tv https://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/samsung/qn90b-qled ) and 1 monitor 8.8 inches ( this https://www.waveshare.com/8.8inch-side-monitor.htm ) And for windows and for the motherboard the screen 2, the 8.8 inch is primary screen, and no the primary screen is samsung tv. How to put that the 8-inch screen is secondary ? Thank you
  4. Where ? Alls panels with 1920 x 480 not have font....
  5. Where is the fonts used ? I don't found.
  6. Hello, i download the panel for my secondery panel (1920 x 480). Exemple download, here at post March 18, 2022 at "sub 200" here image And aida 64 modify at the sensor panel my panel dimensions but the panel is too big and modify for my panel 1920 x 480 the panel is not similar at the image for the site. How to do ? Thank you
  7. Hello, I look for small screen into my computer compatible with aida64 but i look for screen always with HDMI and hate cable out the computer for the cable HDMI... Know screen large min 8.8 inches without cable HDMI to work aida64 ? Thank you
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