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Everything posted by GigaGamesGuy

  1. Hello, thats was great, i have edit it to compabilty mode new start withh 100% skaling, have start aida and my panel works fine after changing it to 125 % or 150 % 200% for me too big on my 48" oled tv thanks for the description, i think it must be sticke on the top for all newbees that has the same problem.
  2. Hello, I'm just wondering, I've read a lot but haven't really found an answer. It's about I have a TV as a monitor, 3840x2160 resolution at 100% scaling, I have an old 10 inch tablet with a resolution of 1280x800 at 100% scaling. If I scale everything to 100% everything is ok, but on the TV I need a scaling of 150%. Unfortunately, Aida64 then goes crazy and moves everything on the tablet. If I restart Aida while it's running, it's ok, only after restarting the PC everything is moved, if I go back to 100% scaling, everything is fine. Is it possible to get a sensor panel that is made for 1280x800 so that it looks right with TV 150% scaling. This is translated here with Google, you can also answer in German. LG Thomas and i search a panel, have contact him and wait.
  3. ich hoffe ich darf das hier in deutsch schreiben. ich habe jetzt ein paar stunden gelesen, finde aber keine lösung. ich nutze einen zweiten monitor max 1368x768 ohne skalierung, egal welche auflösung ich einstelle werden alle sensopanels verschoben da gestellt, die fonts habe ich auch installiert. was mache ich falsch. hier ein Bild als beispiel das einzige was bisher sofort gepasst hat war das Windows Panel
  4. What for setting u use for the font mine looks so i think i make some wrong i am a newbee, i test ist for start this tool display is 800x480 is for test
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