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  1. Latest version. At the same time I compared it with HWinfo. Minimax.rar
  2. When I click anywhere on the desktop, a bar appears on the second screen for a few seconds. Tried different settings. How to fix? I found. In the taskbar settings, disable it.
  3. In the batch from which I chose, the best ones for overclocking/undervolting were KF. But this is rather an exception to the rule. KF is a rejection based on the video core, but in my case it is better.
  4. Purple Planet 1920x480. Almost the finish. I did it for myself, I had to remember Photoshop. Use it whoever wants)) It’s bad that there are no CPU vddq and DRAM vdd/q voltage sensors; they are useful for memory overclocking. Purple Planet.rar
  5. 1920x 480. My first job. And the first message is here. I worked all night, but I haven’t done this before, this is the first time. It’s not finished yet, a lot still needs to be done, everything needs to be aligned and the background changed. You can also number the cores and threads
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