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  1. That's just due to the fact that you're simply looking at the expected results for an older 5900X CPU:
  2. Thanks. The issue has been largely resolved, but I found another small inconsistency on the SPD page: The memory timings for the EXPO profile in the top red rectangle seem to be missing the (RC-RFC1-RFC2-RFCSB-WR) additional timings, while the bottom red rectangle lists them correctly. It's just a minor issue though. P.S. While nitpicking, I also noticed another horizontal scrollbar on the Computer > Summary page which probably doesn't need to be there.
  3. Thanks again. Clock frequencies are now being reported correctly, afaik. But the EXPO and some other JEDEC timings shown in AIDA64 are still a bit of a mess though. The EXPO settings for my RAM are 30-40-40-96 @3000MHz- like in the CPU-Z picture. But AIDA64 still shows 30-41-41-97 in the Computer > Overclock page. Some or most of the Memory timings shown under Motherboard > SPD are also not correct - compared to CPU-Z and others. But I don't check the SPD page often, as it should only provide some fixed info for (lower) frequencies. Tbh, I just looked there as you mentioned that particular page in the release notes for this latest beta version.
  4. UEFI BIOS shows exactly 3000 MHz. CPU-Z also shows the correct EXPO values on the SPD tab. I don't think the value should be calculated in AIDA64 though, as SPD info is fixed information.
  5. The horizontal scrollbar formatting issue on the OC page has been solved in v7.50.7225 betaπŸ‘
  6. Thank you, Fiery. The missing Overclock information has been restored in Beta v7.50.7222 πŸ‘ One remark, though. I noticed that the memory properties now only show the highest 'EXPO timings' between brackets (and not the timings for several other EXPO speeds like 2400MHz and lower). The thing is that it reports 3003MHz (and higher timings) than the actual EXPO profile of my RAM (3000MHz 30-40-40-96). It's just a minor issue, but maybe it's a better idea not showing an EXPO profile between brackets in that field. Since it's not showing current timings in use anyway, I mean. EDIT: there seems to be a formatting issue on this Overclock page btw: I can't get rid of the horizontal scroll bar by resizing the value column in this case, but I think I'm able to resize all columns in all (or most?) other screens/tabs - except for this one. EDIT 2: this formatting thing is not a new issue I think, but it just became more apparent when most EXPO timings were not listed anymore.
  7. And this is the SMBus Dump (Full) of v7.50.7200 (for reference):
  8. The last 2 betas (v7.50.7215 and v7.50.7219) are currently missing some info under the Computer - Overclock tab: Memory Modules & SPD info are missing Bios Properties are missing Graphics Processor Properties are missing Please see attached screenshots for details.
  9. Unfortunately, the last few (beta) updates didn't solve this issue 😒
  10. The BIOS name of the affected fan is "CHA_FAN5" btw - my bad πŸ˜‰
  11. HWinfo64 also shows this CHA_5 fan in BIOS as a Water Pump fan. Is this supposed to be fixed by ASUS? The ASUS Bios just shows CHA_5.
  12. Just installed HWinfo64 in order to look into this issue. HWinfo64 seems to confirm my findings and shows the correct voltage values by default:
  13. As a workaround, I decided to add two Correction Items for VDDIO and VDD Misc by using a 2:1 ratio on both. This shows perfect results (in my book): Notes: - Purely cosmetic: Renamed (default) "VDDIO" to "VDDIO / MC" to be in-line with (ASUS) BIOS voltage monitor tab. - VDD Misc is fluctuating between 1.104~1.120V, which corresponds with (ASUS) BIOS readings for VDD Misc. - EDIT: Also lowered SoC Voltage from 1.22 to 1.20 in between screenshots btw.
  14. Can't you just make Display 1 the Main/Primary Display in display settings? (and then make changes and/or even switch back)
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