Thank you, Fiery. The missing Overclock information has been restored in Beta v7.50.7222 π
One remark, though. I noticed that the memory properties now only show the highest 'EXPO timings' between brackets (and not the timings for several other EXPO speeds like 2400MHz and lower).
The thing is that it reports 3003MHz (and higher timings) than the actual EXPO profile of my RAM (3000MHz 30-40-40-96).
It's just a minor issue, but maybe it's a better idea not showing an EXPO profile between brackets in that field. Since it's not showing current timings in use anyway, I mean.
EDIT: there seems to be a formatting issue on this Overclock page btw: I can't get rid of the horizontal scroll bar by resizing the value column in this case, but I think I'm able to resize all columns in all (or most?) other screens/tabs - except for this one.
EDIT 2: this formatting thing is not a new issue I think, but it just became more apparent when most EXPO timings were not listed anymore.