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  1. Hey guys With a bit of tweaking and adding another progress fill up gauge as Arcane rune for the CPU and GPU utilization. Let us know what you think. Regards
  2. Thank you ... you are a legend!!!!!!!!!!
  3. hey guys anyone know what this mount is called?
  4. Hi Support I just got my license for Aida64. Can we have an ETA on when the Capellix models will be supported. Its a shame that I am unable to see anything connected to Capellix. Also, I need to decide if I am going to continue my sub or cancel it till such time the sensors are supported.
  5. Hi everyone, Any World of Warcraft fans out here with Panels? This is our first attempt at a panel for my PC made by my accomplice SleepWriter620 (can check her on Deviant and Artfol). Except for Arthas background, Thrall background, the font and ofc the Alliance and Horde flags (copyrights to their respective owners and advance thanks from our side), the assets for this panel and Jaina Proudmoore image is the property of SleepWriter620. The assets animate as per the states set, in this case from Arcane - Frost - Fire. The panel is available in all resolutions 16:9 aspect ratio. Should you guys need this panel, drop us a DM and lets have a chat. Or you can just buy us a beer to motivate her for improvements and additional character designs. Thanks in advance.
  6. Thank you ... any way to make this post a pin?
  7. Thank you thank you ... Find your aida64.exe file. Then right click and select > properties > compatibility > change high DPI settings > activate "Override high DPI Scaling behavior" to Systems worked. Should make this a Pin somewhere for others. Once again, thank you everyone.
  8. Arrgh!!! same.
  9. I did brother. I actually came across one of Mice007's post where he gave a link that opens only the 1024 x 600 panels. Still unable to find that one. I should have pinned it somewhere. But thanks for the help
  10. Hi all sorry to be a bother, but I am unable to find a Pin for 1024 x 600 panel size. appreciate all the help.
  11. Hi ... Thank you for the prompt response. 1. I can confirm that Font is installed. 2. Windows scaling is set to 100%. Anywhere else I could look?
  12. Hi ... I am sorry I am new to all this stuff ... but for some reason whenever I import any panels ... its changes the size and ends up looking like this. I am sure this might have been answered already and I have tried to search for a solution on the forums but it seems like finding a needle in a haystack. Kindly advise how to fix this. Thanks in advance.
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