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  1. Please share the ticket number you have from Lian Li, I try to get it answered.
  2. Are you sure you need LianLi? If Yes, I will raise tickets with them. This user seems to have built this himself https://github.com/Emil224411/Ll-connect
  3. Can everyone here raise a request here ? I just did. Hopefully we get some traction https://www.aida64.com/support/contactform
  4. Can everyone here raise a request here ? I just did. Hopefully we get some traction https://www.aida64.com/support/contactform
  5. I'm fedup waiting. These devs don't care.
  6. Yes please. We've been waiting for a very long time already. Awaiting the feature really soon. Thanks.
  7. It is that they (Lian Li) are not working with you (Finalwire) or is it a technical limitation?
  8. Paying so much and you don't even get a reply, let alone the requested feature. Disappointed.
  9. Would anyone of you old timers be so kind enough to share their Google drive of 1920x480 skins? Most good ones are unavailable or intentionally taken down. Thanks in advance.
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