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Everything posted by SurpriseHaymaker

  1. just know i posted waiting for it to be approved apparently.........
  2. here is a zip and the jpeg shows further options when exporting as .png. noticed it while modification of a file. gotta put other file elsewhere to large for here. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/25ro1aj8yerzss62e9t4u/animated.zip?rlkey=mbkdks8fczd4fyxrb4vzqqqfz&dl=0
  3. I like your style. Im stubborn as well <ask my wife>. ill send on here in next 15-30 min ty buddy
  4. UGhhhh i gave up altho i really appreciate you taking time to respond. i lowered opacity and have a wallpaper engine running in background instead. IDK why it wasent working 20240401_082716.mp4
  5. hiya. so i exported as .jpg to no avail. Do you initially put them as .png and place them in 16 spots then convert to .jpg ? i tried just renaming dident work, or do you use a program to convert? also i use photopea idk if that matters. ty
  6. Anything that is sporadic. with each increment different things happen to background. could be anything really. i tried multiple.
  7. Hello all, I made a custom gauge with 16 different photos to mimic animation . they are all 1024x600 for my raspberry 7 inch sensor panel. They are all .png. i saw a post that i could do this. Am i doing something wrong? Each photo is a little different and i fill up all 16 spots in custom gauge but nothing appears.
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