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Davlish Singh

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  1. Doesn't seem to work for me. It's also not mentioned as a supported display here which is why I thought of putting it in this post. VoCore LCD does show up in the AIDA64 preferences but it does not work with the latest VoCore drivers. It fails with this error: Error: cannot find dll (libusb0.dll) I've also tried older VoCore drivers where the display init succeeds in Aida64 but still doesn't work properly (display is not faulty as it's working fine with other applications like SimHub). I've also made a forum post for my issue https://forums.aida64.com/topic/14201-vocore-lcd-usb-display-weird-artifacts-with-aida64/
  2. VoCore MPRO USB 6.8" screen VoCore2 | Coin-sized Linux Computer Attached USB dump. usbdump.txt
  3. When using the latest vocore driver from here, enabling VoCore LCD Support in AIDA64 preferences leads to "Error: cannot find dll (libusb0.dll)" error. I've tried using the older drivers that use the libusb0.dll where the VoCore init shows success, but even then when I enable the sensorpanel, it doesn't get displayed properly. The display works completely fine with SimHub. Is there a way to fix this or provide support for the latest VoCore LCD M-Pro drivers?
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